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Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Elements. Small Business Economics.

There is a growing interest in ecosystems as an approach for understanding the context of entrepreneurship at the macro level of an organizational community. It consists of all the interdependent actors and factors that enable and constrain entrepreneurship within a particular territory. Although growing in popularity, the entrepreneurial ecosystem concept remains loosely defined and measured. This paper shows the value of taking a systems view of the context of entrepreneurship: understanding entrepreneurial economies from a systems perspective.

The entrepreneurial continent

Why Africa’s ‘Big Four’ are not the ‘Best Four’. A few years ago, The Economist concluded that Africa has enterprising people but too few businesses. Africans are far more likely to be self-employed than people in richer parts of the world, but the continent does not produce enough productive and profitable small and medium-sized businesses. More small and medium-sized businesses would increase productivity, reduce poverty, create more and better jobs and address many other societal challenges. The key question is: How can the conditions for entrepreneurship, business creation and growth, be improved in Africa?

Case Study of Nigeria

A case study of the ADDIS Decision Thinking methodology applied in Nigeria to support the co-creation of the Nigeria Startup Act. The case study illuminates several heuristics for innovative policy-making developed by i4Policy under the ICT58 Horizon 2020 grant for the African European Digital Innovation Bridge Network (AEDIB|NET).